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Nachhilfe Budgeting

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Suche: Budgeting   (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Budgeting English & I.T. to G.C.S.E. Level

1) ID 6746
aus NG7 2 Nottingham
English, I.T.-Skills, Basic Skills, Numeracy, Literacy, Art Craft, Lifeskills, budgeting, Cooking
Certificate in Education, Level 4 Certificate in Further Education Teaching (City & Guilds + Stage One) OCR Level 2 Certificate in Adult Numeracy, Introduction to the Adult Literacy Core Curriculum Training (Module 1) ABC Certificate in Counselling Skills (Level 2), + An Introduction to counselling + ‘Exploring Counselling’, ‘A’ Level Psychology (D), E.C.D.L. ‘Basic Concepts of Information Technology’ (Modules 1-7), Information Technology + + + + (City & Guilds) – + Word Processing +
English & I.T. to G.C.S.E. Level
Nachhilfe Profilbild
In fact.. I DO have an abundance of patience!.. Honestly !! (A vital quality.. (: !).. I am able to communicate well with people of all ages and from all walks.... For the past six years, my experience has been with a Further Education establishment, but `out in the community`, working with disaffected, disengaged adults of all ages, but mainly younger people (16+).. Initially in a supporting role and for the past three years as assistant lecturer delivering basic and life skills, using OCN (now NOCN) units for accreditation. (from Entry level to Level 2).// and more recently, the new National Tests in Literacy and Numeracy at Level 1 & 2. I also have experience in a `one-to-one` situation, providing extra help for people at Entry level 1 After gaining my Certificate in Education in Nov. 05, I feel I am ready for a new challenge! I now hope to broaden my experience in the field of Education, maybe in the area of writing/research, although I do enjoy the contact with people that teaching entails and would like to extend my experience in this area also.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  erreichbar via Webseite  info  Kontakt
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Nachhilfe in NG7 2 Nottingham, Great Britain:
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Nachhilfe Budgeting English & I.T. to G.C.S.E. Level

 Nachhilfe online screen webcam
Überregionale Onlinenachhilfe
für Budgeting
2) ID 6746
English, I.T.-Skills, Basic Skills, Numeracy, Literacy, Art Craft, Lifeskills, budgeting, Cooking
Certificate in Education, Level 4 Certificate in Further Education Teaching (City & Guilds + Stage One) OCR Level 2 Certificate in Adult Numeracy, Introduction to the Adult Literacy Core Curriculum Training (Module 1) ABC Certificate in Counselling Skills (Level 2), + An Introduction to counselling + ‘Exploring Counselling’, ‘A’ Level Psychology (D), E.C.D.L. ‘Basic Concepts of Information Technology’ (Modules 1-7), Information Technology + + + + (City & Guilds) – + Word Processing +
English & I.T. to G.C.S.E. Level
Nachhilfe Profilbild
In fact.. I DO have an abundance of patience!.. Honestly !! (A vital quality.. (: !).. I am able to communicate well with people of all ages and from all walks.... For the past six years, my experience has been with a Further Education establishment, but `out in the community`, working with disaffected, disengaged adults of all ages, but mainly younger people (16+).. Initially in a supporting role and for the past three years as assistant lecturer delivering basic and life skills, using OCN (now NOCN) units for accreditation. (from Entry level to Level 2).// and more recently, the new National Tests in Literacy and Numeracy at Level 1 & 2. I also have experience in a `one-to-one` situation, providing extra help for people at Entry level 1 After gaining my Certificate in Education in Nov. 05, I feel I am ready for a new challenge! I now hope to broaden my experience in the field of Education, maybe in the area of writing/research, although I do enjoy the contact with people that teaching entails and would like to extend my experience in this area also.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  erreichbar via Webseite  info  Kontakt
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