Mastodon Nachhilfe 3 Unit english, 3 Unit maths, Chemistry, Business studies, 2 unit maths, 2 unit english, science, co 2126 Cherrybrook, - Currently studying Bachelor of Science/ Bachelor of Optometry at UNSW. Years ecperience of priva, Cherrybrook COMMERCE, COMMERCE Nachhilfe in Cherrybrook : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe COMMERCE Cherrybrook

Suche: COMMERCE in Cherrybrook  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Cherrybrook

Nachhilfe COMMERCE Have 3 years of private tutoring for HSC and High school students

ID 29950
aus 2126 Cherrybrook
3 Unit english, 3 Unit maths, Chemistry, Business studies, 2 unit maths, 2 unit english, science, commerce, English, maths
- Currently studying Bachelor of Science/ Bachelor of Optometry at UNSW. Years ecperience of private tutoring for HSC and high school students, for maths, english, chemistry and business studies.
Have 3 years of private tutoring for HSC and High school students
- I am a reliable and dedicated tutor - I make learning fun and easy, and wont stop till the student and I have reached our set goals - I graduated from Cherrybrook Technology High School in 2006, with a UAI of 99.05. - I also obtained a premier's award for obtaining a band 6 in the following subjects: 3 unit englihs, 3 unit maths, 2 unit english, 2 unit maths, business studies, chemistry. - I feel my extensive knowledge of these subjects enables me to convey my understanding to the students.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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