Mastodon Nachhilfe LE19 Leicester | Nachhilfe online + Nachhilfe zu Hause : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe LE19 Leicester

AlleSuche: Leicester  (2 Ergebnisse / 2)   

Nachhilfe in FRENCH

1) ID 27829
aus LE1 Leicester
2009 QTS award + BA, Faculty of Letters, certificates of modules for teaching French and English as a foreign and additional language
Beginner, GCSE, A/AS levels Adult Tutoring
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Bonjour! My name is Alexandra and I am a very enthusiastic and patient tutor with 5 years experience of teaching foreign languages. I am very calm and able to detect the student's own needs and capacity to acquire a language; I have a pleasant and interactive way of teaching foreign language and plenty of experience in this domain at all levels from teaching 5-year olds going through exam preparation for GCSE and A-levels and including adult tutoring I prepare students for exams(GCSE and A/AS level) as well as adults for traveling or job purpose. I like using a wide variety of resources and materials and working on the student's confidence for being able to open to speaking this beautiful language.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  info  Kontakt
Antworten auf Wissensfragen:

Nachhilfe in FRENCH

2) ID 27849
aus le1 Leicester
Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, English, AS Levl, A Level, GCSE, Key stage 1, Key stage 2, Key stage 3
Undergraduate in Mathematics at Warwick 3 A's at A Level All A's and A* at GCSE
AS Levl, A Level, GCSE, Key stage 1, Key stage 2, Key stage 3,
Personal Description: I am passionate about teaching and helping others reach their true potential. I like to explain in simple terms and encourage students to be enthusiastic about thier subjects. Pupils will find me patient, friendly and supportive and I aim to make tuition rewarding so students can gain the most they can. I am fully CRB checked and have also been employed as a supply supervisor in a secondary school. Tutoring Experience: I have been tutoring for the last 2 years. I have a dedicated approach and frequently update parents with a monthly report. I have tutored a Year Eight girl with learning difficulties and many GCSE, A Level and retake students. I have a vast array of experience and references from my students are available. Tutoring Approach: I provide a variety of services including: tutoring, assessments, evaluation, mentoring, homework help, study skills, organisation, revision courses, holiday preperation, crammers and test preparation. Speciality in Entrance Exams, Key stage 1, 2 & 3, GCSE, A Levels.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  erreichbar via Webseite  info  Kontakt
Antworten auf Wissensfragen:

Nachhilfe in LE19 Leicester:
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Diese Regelung ermöglicht faire Vereinbarungen, die für beide Seiten positiv sind.
*unverbindliche Erfahrungswerte
Viel Erfolg!

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