Mastodon Nachhilfe | Suche Mathamatics, Economics, English New Delhi, M.A.,Economics with Statistics. LL.B, and Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management, : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe in Mathamatics, Economics, English

ID 10929
New Delhi
Mathamatics, Economics, English
M.A.,Economics with Statistics. LL.B, and Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management
Mathamatics mupto Class X of CBSE in India, English and Economics upto Class XII of CBSE of India
I am an experienced teacher. I am in this field of teaching students for the last TEN years. I take not more than ONE class per day and work for 6 days in a week. I am also interested in ON LINE TEACHING. P.s. I am Economics, Law Graduate and also a Post graduate Diploma in Business Management, with specialization in Planning & Production Control, Marketing and Sales . Have worked with Messrs ESCORTS LIMITED from 1960 to 1990, and the Last post held was Zonal Manager- West Zone -Mumbai in Marketing of Automotive Components- Pistons, Piston rings, Cylinder Liners, Motor Cycles, Tractor. etc. Thereafter I had worked for 14 years from 1990 t0 2004, with FIEM Industries new Delhi as their CEO looking after all aspects of both Production and Sales of Auto Light components. I also have teaching experience to students up to Class XII in English, Economics and to students up to Class X in Mathematics.
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