Mastodon Nachhilfe English, painting, Oil Painting techniques Beijing, BSc. Medical Laboratory Sciences Uni. of Ulster UK MSc. Biomedical Sciences Uni. of Ulster UK Teachi, Beijing Business, Business Nachhilfe in Beijing : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Business Beijing

Suche: Business in Beijing  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Beijing

Nachhilfe English, painting, Oil Painting techniqu... Beginner English - Executive English

ID 35407
aus Beijing
English, painting, Oil Painting techniques
BSc. Medical Laboratory Sciences Uni. of Ulster UK MSc. Biomedical Sciences Uni. of Ulster UK Teaching of English to Young Learners -British Council HK Completed half the course content for MA in TESOL Uni of London Self taught artist I have had three solo exhibitions
Beginner English - Executive English
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Most of my working life is woven with teaching and most of which has been teaching English as a foreign language. I really enjoy sharing the learning process and it should always be fun regardless of the level of learning. My particular teaching interests include teaching young learners. I taught English in Hong Kong for language agencies in schools (mostly primary level) and as a private tutor to young learners and adults for over seven years. I also taught (part time) very young learners (3-6 years) in Tokyo for a language agency. While living in Dubai I worked as a primary school teacher in the United Arab Emirates 2004. The following six years I have been a full time painter and have engaged in public art projects and teaching workshops in Dubai. I returned to language teaching while living in Prague 2009-2010 and wish to continue teaching here in Beijing on a part time basis. For adult learners I have brought some superb resources to Beijing with me such as National Geographic Heinle learning materials and I have a variety of activities and resources for young learners.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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