Mastodon Nachhilfe maths, accounting, finance. homework assistance ha1 Harrow, BA Hons in Accounting and finance. Mentor., Harrow ACCA, ACCA Nachhilfe in Harrow : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe ACCA Harrow

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: KW14 Harrow in Scotland | HA2 Harrow in England | 3317 Harrow in Victoria
Suche: ACCA in Harrow  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Harrow

Nachhilfe maths, accounting, finance. homework ass... Degree level for accounting or finance. primary level for maths

ID 34945
aus ha1 Harrow
maths, accounting, finance. homework assistance
BA Hons in Accounting and finance. Mentor.
Degree level for accounting or finance. primary level for maths
I am a very patient and passionate tutor. I decided to tutor my own daughter after enrolling her into many different types of tuition and not getting the results i was looking for. I realised my daughter needed one on one tuition, which i found hard to come by. Hence, why I am will an able to offer other children in my area that opportunity to have one on one tuition. I would prefer to tutor primary school children maths, to assist and help in areas identified as their weakness etc. Those students with specialised studies at university i am offering tutoing in areas such as accounting or finance. I am a mentor for young offenders and strive at helping chidren in my community realise their potential and help them successed.
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ab ~11 €/h  info
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