Mastodon Nachhilfe Maths, Physics, Chemistry HA2 (HQ, BSC in Mathematics ( 2.1 ) Second Upper CIMA - Maths - Pass, (HQ Physics, Physics Nachhilfe in (HQ : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Physics (HQ

Suche: Physics in (HQ  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in (HQ

Nachhilfe Physics Maths - Upto A-Level ..Physics and Chemistry - upto GCSE

ID 22211
aus HA2 (HQ
Maths, Physics, Chemistry
BSC in Mathematics ( 2.1 ) Second Upper CIMA - Maths - Pass
Maths - Upto A-Level ..Physics and Chemistry - upto GCSE
Nachhilfe Profilbild
I have 4 years experience in tutoring Mathematics for Grade 8 - A' Level students. This year all of my students got A and A* in exams. I approach different techniques for different level of students. This is the main reason for my students get good results. I am educated to degree and specializing in Mathematics. I offer Mathematics throughout primary and secondary school to A’ Level. I have experience of working in both school and college, though now prefer to concentrate my efforts on 'private tuition' in which I have had considerable success and find stimulating and rewarding. I am fully conversant with the Mathematics syllabus throughout primary and secondary school and aim to pass this knowledge on to the pupil in a supportive atmosphere, tailoring lessons to the needs of the individual pupil. * The underlying factor for my success is my ability to change my style of teaching according to each student’s ability, including past exam papers and numerous specimen papers.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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